New paper: Simultaneous imaging of both hemispheres shows functional lateralization & asymmetric interhemispheric functional connections

New paper out: Georgia and Chih-Ting investigated the functional lateralization of the auditory cortex. To do this they built a bilateral microscope to simultaneously image both hemispheres in the same mouse. They find that the higher-order area A2 shows functional lateralization to high-frequency tones and adult vocalizations. Functional circuit analysis shows that A2 has lower and asymmetric hemispheric functional connections, which might underlie functional lateralization. They also found that a lack of sound experience prevents the development of asymmetric functional connectivity.  Thus, sensory experience is required to establish functional cross-hemispheric connectivity.

In additon, this work started during covid while rebuilding the lab. Big kudos to Georgia and Chih-Ting!

Read here in PNAS